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ABC Set Up for Success with DISC Assessments

We’re getting better all the time here at ABC – for ourselves and, of course, the clients! We recently spent some time with Jeff Rogers Executive Business Coaching, dissecting our DISC assessments, which group people according to their personalities and communication styles.

Over the past year, ABC leadership has been immersed in Jeff Rogers’ program with the goal of forming a rock-solid foundation of communication and positive work environment for the staff. In preparation for the DISC piece of the equation, each member of the staff took an assessment. Over the course of 20 or so questions, they revealed their fit into one of four communication styles: D, I, S and C.

This was for self-knowledge (in fact, many marveled at how accurate results were), but this will also play a pivotal role in how we communicate with each other. We’re now utilizing the so-called “Platinum Rule,” which is “treat other as they would like to be treated.” As part of our half-day DISC session, we each learned the results of all the other tests so that everyone knows where their colleagues stand.

This leads to better communication as a D would know how to deal with an I or any other combination of styles would know how to interact with each other.

It was an eye-opener for our entire staff, paving the way to better interaction and smarter collaboration. We’d like to thank Jeff Rogers Executive Business Coaching for working with and educating us in-depth. Here’s to a new year filled with ever-better work! Nice job, everyone!