(9/5/18 – Syracuse, N.Y.) From hanging banners to dangling one of our own staff, ABC was all in on the Over the Edge event last month in Syracuse.
Our creative and PR teams pursued top-to-bottom promotion of this first-time event for McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Group. Over the Edge invites rappelers from the public to descend a 10-story building provided they raise $1,000 for the rare chance to do so.

ABC engineered an awareness campaign starting with McMahon/Ryan’s own core of supporters. Using mailers and email marketing, they were urged to sign up and spread the word. ABC also worked to secure sponsors for the event with print communications.

This content was amplified on social media while the PR team also pitched the story to local media. The results were as impressive as the view from atop One Park Place, where our Senior Vice President of Client Relations Jamie Leszczynski herself rappelled.
More than 75 rappelers signed up for the event and 10 sponsors offered support for a grand total of $84,311 raised for McMahon/Ryan. PR efforts reached more than 5.2 million and earned coverage from WSYR and CNY Central, among others. Social media made upward of 1,100 Engagements via posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which were created and managed by ABC.