Binghamton, New York, is an exciting upstate location offering a small town feel with big city appeal. It’s flush with plenty to eat, see and do. So, given these strengths, ABC decided to go after a new market to get more dollars flowing into the community.

While there are many people who travel to Binghamton for its attractive bouquet of outdoor festivals, stunning golf courses and unique cultural features, ABC determined just as many travel through Binghamton: business trips, college graduations, sports tournaments and family gatherings. We saw great potential in consistent convention traffic, the 16,000 students (+ parents) of Binghamton University and untold numbers of other visitors routinely stopping in and passing through the area. As passers-through, they’re also on the move. So, ABC started thinking mobile.
With a firm grasp on the demographic, ABC prioritized the categories based on what the user would want to see most quickly and easily. The new site would cater to the out-of-towner, so a geo-location feature was a must.
We timed the Bin Things.com launch to coincide with a major event that attracts many out-of-towners. Once ABC built the anticipation throughout Greater Binghamton’s digital presences, we came up with some unusual PR to grab the attention of the community and press. On the eve of the launch, ABC dispatched its undercover marketing operatives to blanket the city with spray-chalked stencils. Using bright yellow, semi-permanent paint, we covered the main drags of Binghamton with the logo and a #BingThings hashtag on the weekend of a major event.