Founded in 1986, Chadwick Residence serves as a shelter and
educational space for homeless women. ABC developed the tagline “Live. Learn.
Grow.” to encapsulate all they do for this vulnerable demographic. We didn’t
just upgrade their look, though. We used the video, website and collateral to
once again tell a story.
The Chadwick Residence mission and experience focus on sustainable, independent living. Programming covers a wide array of life skills, including personal finance, effective parenting and successful employment. They receive referrals from Central New York homeless shelters, social service agencies, churches and schools. The organization relies on the support of volunteers and donations to serve at-risk women and their children with housing assistance both on the premises and in the community.

We focused on success stories from residents with a variety of backgrounds that would show donors proven results of the powerful programming. Our subjects were all able to turn their lives around thanks to the Chadwick Residence, one of so many community organizations making real impact “behind the scenes.” That’s what really fueled our passion for this project and we wanted to share that underappreciated story.