The ABC-developed “Fire in You” volunteer firefighter recruitment campaign debuted in 2013, anchored by a pair of television commercials, website and social media. The initiative of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) was funded by a federal grant that earned renewal due to the first version of the campaign’s success (more than 20,000 new volunteers).
In 2018, a renewed campaign asked millennials “Is There a Fire in You?” and revolved around a redesigned website, which will again be accompanied by TV and online spots, a fresh paid social media campaign and numerous promotional materials that volunteer fire departments can use to recruit new members.
Fire in You messaging engages its demographic with rich descriptions, dynamic visuals and engaging stories that illustrating the personal and professional rewards of becoming a volunteer firefighter. The website also dips into the rich, pride-worthy history of the volunteer fire service in the state of New York.