It’s a national fact that Americans aren’t great at saving. Surveys suggest the majority of us have less than $1,000 in the bank. Visions Federal Credit Union challenged ABC Creative Group to increase deposits despite that trend. But, advertising traditional savings accounts would not be enough to inspire a tough crowd less than eager to sock away some cash.
ABC established Visions’ numerous savings options as the selling point. Not only could you open a savings account, you could also make entry-level investments by way of money market accounts, share certificates or even IRAs.
ABC decided to use a little humor to move the message, creating two commercial spots reminding people why they should be saving and introducing Visions as a convenient solution. Syracuse Soundstage got the assist as one of our sets had to be constructed from scratch. Focused on the 210,000-member credit union’s New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets, the media plan utilized this video content on all digital platforms, including social media. Along with a handful of print ads, everything drove consumers to an ABC-created landing page that showed all the ways to save.