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Visions: Life Is Unscripted

Branding means a lot of different things to different people. Some might tell you it’s a logo. Others may say it’s simply a name. Maybe it’s a message. Really branding is all those things, but, above all, it’s a feeling. It’s what people think of when they see the logo, hear the name or connect with the message. Furthermore, a brand presents all these things consistently across all media.

Then there’s the rebrand. When something isn’t working for a business or organization, it may be time for a new identity. That was the case with Visions Federal Credit Union, which, despite great success, had not developed a solid brand (or even a consistent media plan) over the course of its 50-year history.

ABC’s idea-based marketing philosophy guided the rebranding process, starting with intense research of the industry as well as the client. Lots of credit unions spend lots of time explaining why member-owned financial institutions are better than banks. ABC set out to communicate what makes Visions a better credit union.

ABC determined money is a pretty important thing in life. So important, in fact, that it can stress borrowers out. Taking out a loan, for instance, can be intimidating. But, most of us need them to meet life milestones like a first car or home. ABC decided to play off these “stages of life” and give it a literal interpretation under the tagline “Life is unscripted. Trust Visions at every stage.” With this cornerstone concept in place, ABC started building the brand.

With all these assets in place, it was time to determine the strategy that would put Visions in front of the target audience and convert them to members. With more than 50 offices in three states, ABC realized that every community was different. So, each campaign was customized to engage the target audience.